Welcome area handrails


Welcome area handrails

Located in the Reception Hall on the ground floor of the Palais des Congrès on the Reception side. These supports are located near the entrance and exit doors of the Palace where delegates pass several times a day.

Two guardrails available at level 0. We advise you to communicate via an institutional announcement, as this place is likely to be frequented by a non-ophthalmologist public.
A railing available on level 3, on the Paris side. Public Ophthalmologist, SFO members.

The files must be provided within a minimum of 3 weeks before the installation date.
Dimensions: approximately 5m2, the exact dimensions will be given to you later

We advise you to communicate via an institutional announcement, as this place is likely to be frequented by a non-ophthalmologist public.

  • 2 guardrails available at level 0.
  • 1 guardrail available on level 3, Paris side.
  • The files must be provided within a minimum of 3 weeks before the installation date.
  • Dimensions: approximately 5m2, the exact dimensions will be given to you later


6800 € HT at Level 0
5400 € HT at Level 3