Young Ophthalmologists Area

Young Ophthalmologists Area

Young Ophthalmologists Area

In coordination with the SNOF, the SFO has decided to maintain the Space for Young Ophthalmologists during the congress.

This space, located on Level 2 of the Palais des Congrès, is dedicated to all Ophthalmologists who consider themselves as “young” (from hospital residents at the beginning of his/her training to older ophthalmologists who are looking for information, wish to propose an association or are looking for young ophthalmologist to replace them.

This space will be widely open, friendly and ideal for meetings. Young ophthalmologists will find coffee and beverages as well as a display panel for announcements (replacements, associations, humanitarian missions,).

Flash sessions (maximum 20mn) will be proposed on this space on subjects dedicated to young ophthalmologists like installation, nomenclature, publications, legal structures for installation…


We offer you the possibility to sponsor this space by adding your logo on the signage at the entrance of the space. Please contact us. Offer limited to 4 partners maximum.


6 000 € VAT excl.