Symposia packages

Symposia packages

Symposia packages

Scientific session: Symposium

The SFO gives you the opportunity to organize a scientific symposium within the Palais des Congrès de Paris. Your symposium title must be sent to us before January 30th, 2023.

Warning: If we do not have the title before this deadline, only your company name will be printed.

The scientific programme of your symposium must be submitted for approval to the SFO Board of Directors before February 27th, 2023 in order to be displayed in the Industry Symposium Programme (minor modifications will be accepted until April 7th, 2023). This programme must contain the main title, the titles of communications and the names of speakers.

Symposia will be recorded for replay on the parallel digital Live platform of the congress for people not being able to come on site. Symposia will stay on-line for 3 months.

The ++: You will therefore have both the audience of participants on site and the ones on-line.

INFO AUTUMN DIGITAL CONGRESS: If you book right now a symposium and/or an Experts Talks session in the programme for the Autumn e-congress of October 2023, a 10% discount will be applied on your November invoice. For this purpose, simply fill in the DIGITAL CONGRESS order form.

The exhibiting companies must not organize any other scientific event outside the Palais des Congrès on Friday 5th May and during the whole congress (from 6 to 8 May 2023). Time-slots might be slightly modified depending on congress programme.


Capacity Friday 5th May Saturday 6th May Sunday 7th May Monday 8th May
6:30pm-7:30pm 12:20pm-1:05pm 1:10pm-1:55pm 6:30pm-7:15pm 12:20pm-1:05pm 1:10pm-1:55pm 6:15pm-7:00pm 12:30pm-1:30pm
120   14 000 € 14 000 € 12 000 € 14 000 € 14 000 € 12 000 € 14 000 €
160 18 000 € 20 000 € 20 000 € 18 000 € 20 000 € 20 000 € 18 000 € 20 000 €
220 22 000 € 25 000 € 25 000 € 22 000 € 25 000 € 25 000 € 22 000 € 25 000 €
380   30 000 € 30 000 € 26 000 € 30 000 € 30 000 €   26 000 €
820   35 000 €        

Prices are VAT excluded

Theme of the symposium